- Title I
- After School Care
- Newsletters
- Counselors Corner
- Managing the 1:1 Classroom / Digital Citizenship
- Policy for Challenges to Library Materials
Title I
Title I at Vinton
What WE are doing for our Vikings!
Deborah Hobaugh
Small intervention group
Wendie Fishel
Debbie Gross (2nd Grade)
Leveled Literacy Intervention
Title 1 provides Instructional Assistants to help with small group interventions. Some assistants teach a reading program called LLI (Leveled Literacy Intervention), or Read Naturally Live and Michael Heggerty. All assistant help teach small groups for STAR Math time throughout the day. They can also have high ability math and reading groups for those students doing work above and beyond their grade level. Sometimes IAs can work one-on-one with a struggling student to help give them the push they need to be successful in their normal classroom.
We also provide students with the supplies they need at home to help continue learning during the summer. Each student receives a bag filled with a pack of crayons, scissors, pencil sharper, eraser, flash cards, glues and two pencils at the end of the school year.
Dad's Breakfast
Mom's Breakfast
Grandparents Day
Family Board Game Night
Family BINGO
Together with SHiP (School and Home in Partnership) we host a number of Parent/Family events.
Grandparents' Day
Moms' Breakfast
Camp READ-A-LOT (Family Literacy Night)
Dads' Breakfast
Family Board Game Night
Family BINGO
Each student is given a Parent Involvement Binder/Folder at the beginning of the school year. Our hope is to help keep students organized with homework assignments, newsletters, lunch money, notes for teachers/from teachers and their Title 1 monthly Reading Calendar/Log. Please check your child(ren)'s binder/folder to look for important papers from school.
Lead Teacher
I am so happy to call Vinton my second family. After graduating from Ball State in 2007 with a degree in Elementary Education, I started my career at Edgelea Elementary as a Title 1 Instructional Assistant. The following two years I worked at Murdock Elementary as a Read 180 teacher to third- and fourth-grade students. After that I moved to Earhart Elementary to be their Title 1 Lead teacher. Finally, I landed at Vinton as the Title 1 Lead teacher, and have been here for eight years.
I am married to Ryan Yuill, who is a sixth-grade STEM teacher at Sunnyside Intermediate School. We have two daughters: Harper (6 years old) who just started Kindergarten here at Vinton, and Norah (4 years old in November). We both love children and working for Lafayette School Corporation.
I look forward to many more years working for the corporation.
Jami Yuill
Title 1 Lead Teacher
Vinton Elementary
Parent Involvement
Vinton Parent Involvement Policy
Poliza de envolvimiento para los padres de Vinton
Read with your child(ren) for their Title 1 Monthly Reading Calendar/Log
WHAT IS THE MONTHLY READING CALENDAR/LOG?: This calendar/log will come home with students, in their binder or Parent Communication folder, at the beginning of each month. Every time you read 15-20 minutes with your child, color in the graphic for that specific month. At the end of the month, please sign this document and return it to your child's classroom teacher. Classrooms with the most forms returned will receive a special prize from Mrs. Preston. We will also be using our calendar/log for Book It! Read, and you may just receive some FREE PIZZA out of the deal! This is also a requirement of Title 1, to show that parents are doing their part at home to help their child(ren) succeed academically.
We would love to have you attend SHiP (School and Home in Partnership) meetings
Come to our many Family Nights
Have breakfast on us at Mom's or Dad's Club Breakfast
Learn more about your child by visiting his teacher at Parent-Teacher Conferences
Log on to PowerSchool to check on grades and assignments
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter
Sign your child(ren)'s Success Compact
Success Compact
Compacto de Exito
Help out at the Book Fair
Volunteer in your child(ren)'s classroom
Be involved in classroom parties and field trips
Communicate with your child(ren)'s teacher
Parent Feedback Survey
Encuesta para los Padres
Family Resources
Why you can't skip their 20 Minutes of Reading
Home and School Connection
Tips for Reading Success
Ways a Parent can help with Reading
Ways a Parent can help with Math
Ways a Parent can help with Spelling
Homework Tips
Parent-Teacher Conference Tip Sheet
Homework Tips for Parents
Home Literacy Checklist
Having Good Attendance
Math and Science Connection
Home and School Connection
How to Share Data Effectively for Families
What is Title I?
Vinton Title 1 Parent Meeting Presentation
• Federal funding for low achieving students targeted to high poverty schools
• Title 1 provides extra academic support and learning opportunities for children who are failing, or most at-risk of failing state and local standards
• Provides additional resources to close the gap between advantaged and disadvantaged children
• Originally part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. Then part of NCLB (No Child Left Behind 2002); which emphasizes the importance of teacher quality, student achievement, and parental involvement. Now Part of ESSA (2015); Every Student Succeeds Act.
• Migrant Children
• Limited English Proficient Children
• Children who are homeless
• Children with disabilities
• Any child in academic need
• Title 1 money is used to upgrade the entire educational program while also providing additional assistance to the most at-risk students. Supplies and equipment purchased with Title 1 funding can be used with all students.
• We must have at least 40% poverty within school to qualify
• Extra assistance in the classroom with the help of Intervention Assistants
• Small groups (based on 3-week assessment over grade level standards) for both Reading and Math (STAR)
• LLI (Leveled Literacy Intervention), Read Naturally LIVE, Michael Heggerty, Optimize, and many other programs for struggling readers
• Constant progress monitoring using Amplify TRC, NWEA, and Accelerated Reading, WiDA, and 3 week cycle assessments
After School Care
Follow the link below to see the various before and after school day care options for Vinton students:
Vinton Day Care Options
Counselors Corner
Hi! My name is Mrs. Cree, and I'm the counselor at Vinton Elementary School. I have a great job - I get to work with your child and help him/her to be the best kid possible! Did you know that your child may have been in a video seen by the students of our school? One way I work to help students become their best is through short counseling education videos utilizing the great acting talent of my two schools. (Children featured had permission for photo release.) I have recently created a website where you can find these videos and more about what I can do for the students. My goal is to hear from you, so I created a quick survey for parents to get feedback on what areas of which I might need to focus. I am also writing a blog with parenting and counseling information that you may find of interest. You can find all this at http://creecounselor.weebly.com/
Managing the 1:1 Classroom / Digital Citizenship
Managing the 1:1 Classroom with a Focus on Digital Citizenship
How to start, day 1, with managing the 1:1 classroom. We will focus on procedures, expectations, and quick fixes for students and teachers. We will also provide a Digital Citizenship lesson/graphic that is kid friendly to share and implement into your classroom.
Managing the 1:1 Classroom/Digital Citizenship Presentation
iPad Troubleshooting Basics
Digital Citizenship Graphic "Think Before you Surf"
Internet Safety Tips